Cheryl Barton

County: Shiawassee
Class Years: 2018
“One of my greatest rewards has been to be a part of watching the youth grow throughout the program in confidence, experience and leadership. I have been fortunate enough to have young 4-H’ers be a part of the program, then to age out and move on in their own lives and then come back and want their own child to experience some of those same experiences in 4-H that are priceless to me.”

Cheryl Barton has been involved with the Shiawassee County 4-H program for over 40 years and has had a tremendous impact on the county’s dog program and local youth. In her time as a volunteer, Barton has shared her knowledge and skills by teaching 4-H Exploration Days sessions, Kettunen Center workshops and Companion Animal Camp classes, allowing her to influence thousands of youth. Barton has served as chair of the State 4-H Companion Animal Programming Committee and has been an integral part of the State 4-H Dog Show, fulfilling volunteer and judges coordinator positions for many years. Barton is positive, encouraging and a true role model to the youth in the community. She assisted Saginaw County in launching a new 4-H dog program and visiting the first dog workout with members of her club. She truly teaches her kids learning by doing. Her 4-H club Doggie Digges regularly provides service to the community, helping at the Humane Society, visiting nursing homes with their dogs and volunteering at the food stand. Barton is always positive and strives to truly make the best better. She treats youth like they are her own, cheering them on and encouraging them to do the best always.

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Heidi Barrington, St. Joseph County

4-H has taught me to not be afraid of taking risks.

— Heidi Barrington, St. Joseph County

Sponsor a Brick

Become a permanent part of the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden by sponsoring a brick! Bricks can be donated in your name; in honor of a family, friend or club; or in memory of loved ones. Learn more: Sponsor a brick!.

2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award Winners

he Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who exhibit excellence in 4-H youth education and leadership in agriculture-related areas. 2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award winners pictured include Robert Richards (left) and Jennifer Specht (right). Click on the button below to view all of the 2024 4-H Legacy Award winners!