Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award
Deadline for nominations: June 1
The Michigan Farm Bureau (MFB) 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Awards, funded by the Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Endowment Fund, recognize the outstanding achievements of Michigan 4-H volunteers or groups that have exhibited excellence in 4-H youth education and leadership development in the areas of 4-H beef cattle; dairy cattle; goats; horses; horticulture, crops and soils; poultry; rabbits; sheep; swine; and veterinary science.
Honorees designate a $1,000 grant to a 4-H agricultural program of their choice and are recognized by both Michigan 4-H (currently at the 4-H Emerald Awards) and by Michigan Farm Bureau. Currently three (3) awards are given annually.
View the MFB 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award recipients.
Award Details
An ideal honoree will have exhibited excellence in creating learning environments where youth develop positive relationships with adults and peers; are physically and emotionally safe; are engaged in their own development; are participants rather than recipients in the learning process; develop skills that will help them succeed; understand and appreciate society’s diversity and become active citizens through service and leadership.
The $1,000 annual volunteer tribute grant can be used for 4-H volunteer training, to purchase supplies and curriculum materials, or to enhance 4-H agricultural programming locally or statewide. Honorees choose which county or state 4-H program their recognition award will go to advance Michigan 4-H youth development programming in agriculture.
Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award honorees will be recognized by both Michigan 4-H (currently at the 4-H Emerald Awards) and by Michigan Farm Bureau. Honorees will also receive a personalized recognition memento.
- Applicants need to be registered Michigan 4-H county volunteers or state level volunteers working to advance learning in one or more of the 12 eligible agricultural program areas.
- Applicants can apply or be nominated by 4-H volunteers, 4-H clubs, county or state 4-H staff members, or county or state Farm Bureau members.
- Applicants can be individual 4-H volunteers or 4-H groups, such as county or state 4-H committees or councils.
- Applicants can only win the award one year. Past winners are not eligible for award consideration.
- Applicants must have completed at least one full program year of 4-H volunteer service.
The Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award nominations will be judged by a committee made up of an agriculture industry representative, a state 4-H program staff member and a county 4-H program staff member using the following point scale: (100 total points possible)
- Biographical data (15 points)
- Advancing youth knowledge of agriculture practice and productivity (25 points)
- Excellence in developing youth for the future (25 points)
- Advancing youth service and leadership (25 points)
- 4-H club members or youth group achievement and recognition (10 points)