Michigan 4-H Youth Development

Michigan 4-H Youth Development is the youth educational program of Michigan State University Extension serving more than 200,000 Michigan youth aged 5 to 19 each year. 4-H staff members work at Michigan State University (MSU) and in every Michigan county with local volunteers to bring the knowledge of the state’s land-grant university to the citizens of Michigan.

Over 20,000 Michigan adult and teen 4-H volunteers work at the local and state level to support experiential learning activities for youth. 4-H volunteers are club, group or resource leaders; middle management leaders; advisory council members and Michigan 4-H Foundation trustees.

Michigan 4-H Youth Development provides educational opportunities that:

  • Target age appropriate life skill development.
  • Emphasize research-based experiential learning.
  • Involve volunteers.
  • Engage a variety of partners.
  • Include families.
  • Reach both diverse and underserved audiences.
  • Are accessible.
  • Promote a multicultural perspective and appreciation.
  • Are fun.

4-H provides learning materials and educational opportunities in these and other areas:

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About MSU Extension

Michigan State University Extension is part of the national Cooperative Extension System which is a partnership of the nation’s land-grant universities, state and county governments and the United States Department of Agriculture.