Mary B. Van Allsburg

County: Oceana
Class Years: 2008

“My gateway to college was 4-H.”

As a member of the Crystal Lake 4-H Club Mary Van Allsburg won the 4-H State Award in clothing and went on to compete at the National 4-H Congress. Van Allsburg started her career as a rural teacher and 4-H leader at Girdle Road School, near Rothbury, and at Piper School, near Shelby. Her 4-H scrapbook, a book of certificates, ribbons and photos detailing her 4-H sewing and stitchery projects, trips to 4-H horse shows and her selection as a National 4-H Congress delegate helped her to receive a 4-H scholarship to MSU. In 1992, she donated her entire 4-H scrapbook to the Michigan 4-H Foundation to be included in the MSU Archives collection. Van Allsburg received a bachelor’s in human ecology and later a master’s in retail of textiles and clothing. Van Allsburg taught at the University of Wisconsin-Strout, and in West Virginia. She served eight years in MSU Extension; seven for as a home demonstration agent in Menominee, Antrim, Crawford, Kalkaska and Chippewa counties and then a year as extension home economist in Chippewa County. She ended her career as a social worker for the Michigan Department of Social Services. In retirement, Van Allsburg founded Wee Care, a smocking group that sewed infant gowns and donated them to local hospitals. The smocks were then given to families who experience the death of a newborn or stillborn baby. She has attended Elderhostel and other events at Kettunen Center. She is also a member of Muskegon’s Central United Methodist Church. In memoriam December 20, 2009.

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Jordan Davis, Berrien County

4-H started with dogs but has transformed into something much more. I can be an active member in group projects and I have become a better person altogether. I am so grateful to have had a 4-H experience that impacted me so much. I don’t know what my life would be without the wonderful opportunity of 4-H.

— Jordan Davis, Berrien County

Sponsor a Brick

Become a permanent part of the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden by sponsoring a brick! Bricks can be donated in your name; in honor of a family, friend or club; or in memory of loved ones. Learn more: Sponsor a brick!.

2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award Winners

he Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who exhibit excellence in 4-H youth education and leadership in agriculture-related areas. 2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award winners pictured include Robert Richards (left) and Jennifer Specht (right). Click on the button below to view all of the 2024 4-H Legacy Award winners!