Marie F. Koch

County: Tuscola
Class Years: 2008

“4-H offered me leadership opportunities that naturally led to a teaching career. I had leaders who challenged me and helped me reach for the stars. We were always encouraged to follow our dreams. 4-H gave me the skills I needed to be successful in the real world.”

Marie Koch has dedicated her life to educating youth. She has been an educator for 25 years in the subjects of English, psychology, sociology, history. She currently teaches special education at Millington Community Schools. She has served as MEA Union secretary and advisor for the Student Council, Ecology Club, Drama Club and FFA. She has organized international exchanges, care packages to troops and food drives for the school. Koch is also a People to People International Leader for junior high students. Koch spends her time volunteering for youth-serving organizations. She has been a Girl Scout leader for 16 years and a Saginaw County 4-H leader for 13 years. She has hosted exchange students through both 4-H and school and also participated in the Teacher Exchange Program where she lived in Australia for one month and then hosted an Australian for one month. For the past 10 years Koch has been a member of both the American Association of University Women and the General Federal of Jr. Women’s Clubs, chairing several committees for each organization. She also enjoys visiting and staying at lighthouses and is a Great Lakes Lighthouse Keeper’s Association volunteer.

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Justin Yarger, Monroe County

Being in 4-H has helped me reflect on who I am, but also helped me feel confident enough to step out of my comfort zone. From my experience in 4-H, I have realized that I have grown as a person but also developed many crucial life and career skills.

— Justin Yarger, Monroe County

Sponsor a Brick

Become a permanent part of the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden by sponsoring a brick! Bricks can be donated in your name; in honor of a family, friend or club; or in memory of loved ones. Learn more: Sponsor a brick!.

2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award Winners

he Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who exhibit excellence in 4-H youth education and leadership in agriculture-related areas. 2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award winners pictured include Robert Richards (left) and Jennifer Specht (right). Click on the button below to view all of the 2024 4-H Legacy Award winners!