Alan W. Adam

County: Sanilac
Class Years: 2016

“There is no question that 4-H has been a viable part of my success both as a father and in my professional career. 4-H taught me that hard work and responsibility are a huge part of being successful and to work through adverse conditions and do my best. We learned that hard work, strong faith, strong friendships and family working together is what life is all about.”

As the primary owner and operator of the Adam Family Farms, Alan Adam has jumpstarted his family’s swine farm. Together, with his son Derek, they have converted their farm into a nursery facility hosting over 260,000 feeder pigs, 720 Holstein calves and 80 Hampshire ewes and lambs. His involvement in 4-H continues as he helps local 4-H families by housing their dairy market feeders so they have the opportunity to raise their livestock. When a family friend of his was diagnosed with cancer, Adam and his family donated a pig to each of their kids. He helped furnish the feed and taught them how to show their pigs at fair, so they could sell their livestock at the auction and start a college fund for each of the children. After battling his own cancer for two years, Adam, with the help of his son, overcame adversity and continues to run one of the largest swine operations in Ohio.

As a Sanilac County 4-H’er, Adam was a member of the Lucky Stars 4-H Club where he was awarded with Champion Swine Showman and overall Master Showman Champion in 1975. Additionally, he was the top hog buyer with the most volume purchased for producers livestock in 1990. Before developing his own facility, he received his bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, where he was a member of the MSU Block and Bridle Club and MSU Livestock, Meats, Wool and Live Animal Evaluation Teams. He then went on to work as a livestock buyer using the skills he learned as a 4-H livestock judge. He has been a 4-H Advisor for 21 years and continues to judge swine and swine showmanship classes at county fairs. Adam keeps busy involving himself in the community by coaching Junior High boys’ basketball, Jr. High girls’ softball, and little league baseball and youth softball.

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Molly Lake, Gratiot County

Because of 4-H I have learned how to use animal science to expand my heard. This knowledge has helped me continue being a 4th generation to show and raise cattle in my family.

— Molly Lake, Gratiot County

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2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award Winners

he Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who exhibit excellence in 4-H youth education and leadership in agriculture-related areas. 2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award winners pictured include Robert Richards (left) and Jennifer Specht (right). Click on the button below to view all of the 2024 4-H Legacy Award winners!