MFB 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award Nomination Form

Nominations are due March 15, 2025.

MFB 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Form

  • Judging

    The Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award nominations will be judged by a committee made up of an agriculture industry representative, a state 4-H program staff member and a county 4-H program staff member using the following point scale: (100 total points possible)

  • • Biographical data (15 points)
  • • Advancing youth knowledge of agriculture practice and productivity (25 points)
  • • Excellence in developing youth for the future (25 points)
  • • Advancing youth service and leadership (25 points)
  • • 4-H club members or youth group achievement and recognition
  • (10 points)


    Once the nomination form has been completed, it should be endorsed by a county, district or state MSU Extension staff member verifying that the nominated individual(s) are registered 4-H volunteers.

  • Nominee Biographical Information

    (15 points)

  • A copy of this nomination form will be emailed to this address.

  • Nomination Criteria

    Please describe how the nominee excels in the following areas.

  • Describe how the nominee(s) advances youth knowledge of agriculture practice in ways that would develop youth skills and knowledge for pursuing agricultural careers. (1 page max)
  • Describe how the nominee(s) exhibits excellence in 4-H volunteer leadership, including how the volunteer advances the 4-H guiding principles for positive youth development, empowers youth participation and ownership of club activities; develops a structured educational learning environment for 4-H members; maintains a 4-H club or group schedule that fully engages young people throughout the year; or any other ways in which you feel the nominee(s) shows excellence in advancing the social, emotional, academic or career development success of youth. (1 page max)
  • Describe how the nominee(s) advances youth citizenship through youth leadership or community service activity that contributes to the quality of life in their community. (1 page max)
  • Describe how the nominee(s) fosters youth achievement and excellence in the areas of agriculture (e.g. state 4-H award winners, national award recipients or event participants, or other county, state or national recognition of youth achievement, etc.). (1 page max)
  • Nomination Certification
    I certify that the above-named nominee for the Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award is eligible to be considered for this recognition as a fully registered volunteer for Michigan state or county 4-H youth development programs.
  • Signature of 4-H Program Coordinator/Extension Educator/Program LeaderDateCounty/District 
  • A copy of this nomination form will be emailed to this address.

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