Each year, the Michigan 4-H Foundation board of trustees approves the distribution of competitive grant funds to encourage development of innovative 4-H opportunities in communities. For the 2023–24 program year, 4-H mini grants were awarded in four categories totaling $8,000.
Michigan 4-H Legacy Grants
Michigan 4-H Legacy Grants, funded by the Michigan 4-H Legacy Fund endowment, encourage creativity and support the implementation of innovative ideas that expand and promote positive youth development in communities.
The Calhoun County 4-H Creative & Expressive Arts Summer Program received a $1,000 grant to help relaunch the program. During the summer, students in grades 5 to 12 will be invited to engage in the art disciplines of acting, dancing and singing. At the end of program, youth and instructors will produce a public show to display their skills.
Developers of the Let’s Grow Grapes 4-H curriculum received a $1,000 grant to create three new modules in the curriculum. “Let’s Grow” teaches young people about the fundamentals of the grape industry and includes online content and partnerships with vineyards designed to help participants learn hands-on vineyard skills.
Wayne County 4-H’s Sewing for Life project received a $1,000 grant. This SPIN (short-term special interest) club helps young people increase their sewing knowledge and skills. Funds from the grant will be used to purchase the sewing materials needed to offer the program to more young people.
The final $1,000 grant was split equally between two 4-H shooting sports programs. The Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports program received a $500 grant to help relaunch statewide 4-H muzzleloader training. The grant will fund several pieces of equipment needed to safely train and equip 4-H volunteer shooting sports instructors who support youth statewide.
The Newaygo County 4-H Archery Club received a $500 grant to expand the archery program for youth in the county. The program has seen overwhelming community interest, and the grant will help provide equipment for all current and future 4-H club members.
4-H Educational Garden Grants
Two 4-H Educational Garden grants were funded by the Albert A. Albright Endowment for 4-H Plant Science and Gardening Education.
The Ray Community 4-H Club in Macomb County received a $1,000 grant to establish a butterfly garden in honor of a club member who passed away in 2021. Youth members will design, create and maintain the garden while learning about the environment, butterflies and conservation. The garden will also increase public awareness of butterfly conservation and provide a peaceful space for visitors to enjoy.
The Walt Whitman Elementary School Garden in Oakland County received a $1,000 grant to build a flower and vegetable garden. The garden will be used in hands-on lessons to educate kindergarten through sixth grade students about gardening, food systems and science. Families of students and community partners will have the opportunity to volunteer in the garden.
Collins Grant
The Collins 4-H Youth Horticulture Grant is funded by the William J. and Ruth D. Collins Endowment Fund to advance local 4-H club work in plant science and horticultural activities.
The Community 4-H Garden in Newaygo County received a $500 grant to revitalize and expand their youth-led community garden. Young people will be involved in all aspects of the garden and learn about gardening, food systems and sustainable practices. This garden will help youth participants create relationships with peers and 4-H volunteers and develop healthier lifestyle habits.
On-Target Grants
Three On-Target Grants were funded by the Thomas H. Cobb Shooting Sports Fund to enhance county 4-H shooting sports programs.
The Emmet County Shooting Sports 4-H Club received a $500 grant to launch the first shooting sports 4-H club in the county. The club will focus on archery and BB guns while teaching youth about shooting sports, safety and leadership skills.
The Monroe County 4-H Program received a $500 grant to grow the county archery program. The grant will fund the purchase of smaller bows and whisker biscuits for younger members to use and develop archery skills.
The Iron County 4-H Shooting Sports Program received a $500 grant to strengthen the rifle discipline in the county. The grant will be used to buy equipment for youth to use for regular practice and club activities.
The next grant cycle will open April 1, 2024, with grant applications due June 1. For more information on 4-H mini grants and the grant applications, visit https://mi4hfdtn.org/grants.