Support 4-H Virtual Learning Showcase Scholarships
Since 2020, Michigan State University Extension has partnered with the Michigan State Fair on an exciting program for Michigan youth: the Michigan State Fair 4-H & Youth Virtual Showcase held Labor Day Weekend each year in Novi, Mich. This statewide showcase provides a virtual platform for youth across Michigan to exhibit their work in all project areas and apply for a variety of scholarships.
Help support the 4-H Virtual Learning Showcase Scholarship Fund today.
Help us reach our $10,000 goal to support post-secondary scholarships for youth. Youth participating in the Michigan State Fair 4-H & Youth Virtual Showcase will have the opportunity to apply for a $1,000 scholarship to pursue post-secondary education.
Your gift to the Michigan 4-H Foundation will show your support of this long-standing partnership between 4-H and the Michigan State Fair while simultaneously recognizing youth for their hard work.
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Through 4-H, I have become the person I am today. Not only has it made me who I am, but has given me lifelong friendships and leaders to look up to. 4-H and everyone I have met through 4-H has fostered my passion for animals and led me to the path I am considering for my future.
— Bridget Paidl, Menominee County

Sponsor a Brick
Become a permanent part of the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden by sponsoring a brick! Bricks can be donated in your name; in honor of a family, friend or club; or in memory of loved ones. Learn more: Sponsor a brick!.