MFB 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Awards

MFB 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Awards

Tara Miller

Class Year: 2015-16

County: Eaton

“My greatest reward as a 4-H volunteer leader has been watching the growth and development of a young person from year to year. The knowledge, work ethic and leadership skills that members develop through 4-H, builds a strong foundation for their success as adults.”

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Tara Miller is an Eaton County 4-H Leader for the Forever in Reach Show Team and is also active with the Eaton County 4-H Council. In addition to serving the youth of Eaton County for over 22 years, Tara also served on the Michigan Junior Livestock Society, was the president of the Michigan Shorthorn Association and the co-chair of the 2010 Shorthorn Junior National. She has served on the awards selection committee for Eaton County 4-H and served as the chair for the buyer luncheon at the Eaton County Fair Junior Livestock Auction. Tara is always willing to help in times of need as she housed the beef steers and hogs for the Olivet FFA Chapter after their barn burned down. Additionally, she and her husband, Matt, planned the funeral dinner of a club member who passed away in a car accident. Tara took the lead by mobilizing her club and volunteers; purchasing supplies and decorations and organizing a show stick solute.