IFYE International Travel Scholarship
Michigan IFYE Outbound International Travel Scholarship Awards
Deadline to apply: Applications are reviewed upon receipt, but must be requested before travel occurs.
These scholarships are awarded to individuals who have applied, or are in the process of applying, to travel as an IFYE.
IFYE was formerly called International Farm Youth Exchange. Delegates, ages 19 and older, visit a foreign country or countries for three to six months. They live and work with various host families during their stay. Programs vary from country to country, with some emphasizing an agricultural work experience, volunteering at an adult training center, or working with a local youth development program similar to 4-H.
The IFYE Association of the USA, Inc. conducts international exchange programs and cross-cultural education while promoting global awareness. The IFYE foreign exchange program offers an opportunity to experience another way of life by living it: IFYE is truly a “learn by doing” experience. Learn more about the IFYE organization at: at: www.ifyeusa.org.
These travel scholarships are made possible thanks to support from the Michigan Division of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association (WNF&GA).
Scholarships are available as follows:
- $3,000 travel scholarship available per delegate until the funds are exhausted.
- Delegates must apply for the scholarship online at the link below.
- Preference is given to individuals involved with 4-H as a youth or as an alumni.
- Complete an evaluation.
- Write an article about your experience.
- Create a display/poster.
- Give a talk/report to two or more groups in your community.
- Attend and present at a WNF&GA, Michigan Division event.
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4-H has been an incredibly transformative experience for me. It has opened up a whole new world of opportunities, allowed me to form lasting relationships, and given me the chance to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
— Brooklyn Hetrick, Oakland County

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