Commemorative Bricks

You can become a permanent part of the Michigan 4-H Children’s Gardens by sponsoring a brick!

  • For a $250 donation (which can be given in a lump sum or over five years), the name of your choice will be inscribed on a commemorative brick. The bricks are 4×8 inches and allow for three lines of inscription with 15 characters per line.Sample commemorative brick
  • For an additional $25 ($275 total) you may order a paper weight-sized mini brick (1½x3″ dimensions), an exact replica of the brick paver.
  • An 8×8-inch brick is available for a $1,000 donation.

Bricks can be donated in your name; in honor of a family, friend or club; or in memory of loved ones.

They are then placed in the Demonstration Plaza in the Michigan 4-H Children’s Garden at Michigan State University. Bricks are usually installed in the spring and fall of each year.

Print a brick sponsor form to mail in with your payment to sponsor a brick at the Michigan 4-H Children’s Gardens.