Sponsor a Brick
Yes, I would like to become a permanent part of the Michigan 4-H Children’s Gardens!
Complete this gift form for online submission or print a form to mail (PDF).
A gift of $250 is required for each commemorative brick. Regular sized bricks are 4 x 8 inches and usually installed twice a year. Larger 8×8″ bricks are also available for a gift of $1,000. For an additional $25 you may also order a paper weight-sized mini brick (1½” x 3” dimensions), an exact replica of the brick paver.
NOTE: When filling in the inscription lines below, please count all letters, spaces and punctuation marks. Do not use periods. Use “&” in the place of “and” where necessary. There is space for 15 letters per line and you may use up to three lines on a 4×8″ brick and up to 6 lines on an 8×8″ brick. You need not use all lines. All letters will be inscribed in upper case on the brick.