Giving To 4-H
Give Online
Use your credit or debit card to give via our secure online pledge forms. Information provided through the secured online pledge forms is considered confidential and is restricted for Michigan 4-H Foundation use only. The Michigan 4-H Foundation accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express.
Choose to make your online gift:
- Make a gift to support Michigan 4-H Donations support the programs and initiatives of the Michigan 4-H Foundation including state and local youth programs in Michigan communities.
- Make a gift in memory or tribute Memorial gifts pay tribute to the memory of loved ones and friends by supporting 4-H youth programs. Tribute gifts honor or recognize living persons through an investment in 4-H youth programs.
- Sponsor a brick Support 4-H by sponsoring a brick in the Demonstration Plaza at the outdoor Michigan 4-H Children’s Garden located on the Michigan State University campus.
- Make a gift to a county 4-H endowment fund Donations to county 4-H endowments provide a perpetual source of income for county 4-H programs, where the principal amount remains intact and the investment income supports annual needs for a county 4-H program. Currently, 36 counties have existing endowments.
Give by mail (Send a check)
Gifts to support Michigan 4-H may be made by mailing a gift payment (check) to the Michigan 4-H Foundation. Please select the appropriate PDF form to complete and mail it to the Michigan 4-H Foundation with your gift payment/check.
- 4-H Grows Annual Fund mail-in gift form: PDF Form
- 4-H Children’s Gardens mail-in gift form: PDF Form
- Memorial or tribute mail-in gift form: PDF Form
- Commemorative brick mail-in form: PDF Form
Please make checks out to: Michigan 4-H Foundation.
Mail gifts to:
Michigan 4-H Foundation
446 West Circle Dr., Room 160
East Lansing, MI 48824
Give by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
Have your gift automatically deducted from your bank account. Print and complete a PDF pledge form and the electronic fund transfer form. Then mail them with a deposit slip or voided check to the Michigan 4-H Foundation.
- Electronic fund transfer (EFT) authorization form: PDF Form
Give by phone
Call 517-353-6692, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday, to make a gift using your MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express credit or debit card.
More in this Section

It takes confidence and courage to try new things and I am thankful to 4-H for providing that opportunity for me.
— Ethan McLaughlin, Monroe County

Sponsor a Brick
Become a permanent part of the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden by sponsoring a brick! Bricks can be donated in your name; in honor of a family, friend or club; or in memory of loved ones. Learn more: Sponsor a brick!.