Michigan 4-H Foundation

Michigan Division, WNF&GA

Class Year: 2014



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The Michigan Division of the Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association and its many branches have provided both philanthropic and volunteer support for 4-H programs for more than 60 years. They raised support to send the first Michigan International 4-H Youth Exchange (IFYE) participant (Dr. Russ Mawby) to Great Britain in 1948 and has funded youth and young adult travel scholarships every year since that time. They also for many years afterwards made Michigan 4-H programs a priority for both their time and their money. They helped to build both Kettunen Center and the Michigan 4-H Children’s Gardens with grants from the Michigan Farm and Garden Foundation. The organization continues to provide college scholarships for 4-H youth and young adults who are pursuing careers in the agricultural and family sciences. Their members have served as founding members of the board of the Michigan 4-H Foundation in 1952 and WNF&GA, Michigan Division representation continues on the foundation’s board today with their rural-urban chair serving as president of the foundation’s board for the 2013 and 2014 fiscal years.In 2008, they were recognized as a Key Partner of MSU Extension in honor of their establishing an endowed fund to provide perpetual support for 4-H youth development programs and programs that advance the well-being of families for many years to come. In 2014, their national centennial year, they celebrated by surpassing the $100,000 mark in gifts to grow this endowed fund. Members of the Michigan Division of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association have been foundation supporters from the beginning; they continue their support through annual gifts today and have ensured perpetual support for 4-H youth development programs well into the future.