/ MFB / Karen Scovill
“My greatest reward is watching kids grow through their project. They learn that if they can handle a 150-pound lamb, they can do anything through hard work, perseverance, and time. I love to see the joy on their face when they do well and realize they are the one that made the lamb work for them.”
Karen Scovill has been a 4-H volunteer with Shiawassee County’s Busy Farmers 4-H Sheep Club since 1991. Over the decades, she has been a devoted mentor, teaching and helping 4-H’ers learn about the sheep project. Scovill has presented at many state and county fitting and showing clinics and workshops, sharing her knowledge of how to care for, manage, and show sheep with many young people over the years.
Scovill has served on the state 4-H livestock programming committee since she was 14 and chaired the committee for 10 years. This committee plans statewide 4-H livestock workshops and 4-H Exploration Days sessions, and recruits interviewers for the State 4-H Awards Program. With Scovill’s guidance, many club members have competed successfully for 4-H State Awards and scholarships and have achieved excellence in the show ring at county, state, and national events.
Scovill truly enjoys working with youth, ensuring that they are actively engaged in their own development and that they gain the leadership skills they need to help them succeed.
Because of 4-H I have learned so much about hard work and perseverance. Now I can show my goats with confidence, knowing I’ve got what it takes.
— Ainsley Karvinen, Alger County
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he Michigan Farm Bureau 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who exhibit excellence in 4-H youth education and leadership in agriculture-related areas. 2024 4-H Salute to Excellence Award winners pictured include Robert Richards (left) and Jennifer Specht (right). Click on the button below to view all of the 2024 4-H Legacy Award winners!