Sarah A. Black

Sarah Black has been a dedicated member of the Michigan Farm Bureau team since 1993. She has been an MFB regional representative, coordinator of MFB ProFILE: Institute for Leadership Education, […]

Margaret A. Bethel

Margaret A. Bethel has served almost 25 years extending the knowledge of Michigan State University to help transform the lives of people in Michigan’s communities. In 2001, that dedication placed […]

John G. Laurie

Jack Laurie’s leadership in Michigan agriculture is well-recognized and respected everywhere from community farms to the Michigan legislature. He retired as president of the Michigan Farm Bureau in 2000, but […]

Marie F. Koch

Marie Koch has dedicated her life to educating youth. She has been an educator for 25 years in the subjects of English, psychology, sociology, history. She currently teaches special education […]

Susan L. Safford Traubenkraut

Susan Safford Traubenkraut has shared her study and passion of historical clothing, regional and ethnic cooking and heritage crafts and traditions with many youth and adults. For the past seven […]