4-H Grant Acceptance Form

Michigan 4-H Foundation
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4-H Grant Acceptance Form


    GRANT PERIOD: Sept. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025
    FINAL REPORT DUE: May 31 or Sept. 30, 2025

    – May 31, 2025 for programs from September-April
    – Sept. 30, 2025 for programs from May to August

    We understand that we will have full access to this grant funding when the State 4-H Office and Michigan 4-H Foundation receive this signed agreement and understand payment of all expenditures will be done through the State 4-H Office.

    We agree to submit a final budget and copies of all expenditure support documents, such as copies of receipts, by the due date listed above to the State 4-H Office. If more than the amount awarded is spent on the county program/project, county budgets will need to make up the difference.

    We further agree to submit a final report of the grant in PEARS by the due date listed above. Please refer to the PEARS Reporting Guide for the Michigan 4-H Foundation on how to report on this grant in PEARS. Note as of July 1, 2024, all Michigan 4-H Foundation reporting will occur in PEARS.


    The Michigan 4-H Foundation, a public 501(c)(3) corporation, is organized to support Michigan State University Extension 4-H Youth Development programs, and as such, requires that all foundation grantees submit a signed statement of non-discrimination before receiving Michigan 4-H Foundation grant funds and/or using the services and/or collaborating with the foundation to deliver 4-H supported programs.

    The Michigan 4-H Foundation and Michigan 4-H Youth Development, a program of Michigan State University Extension (MSU Extension), are equal opportunity institutions. These organizations subscribe to the following Michigan State University (MSU) equal opportunity considerations:

    MSU is an affirmative action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status.

    As part of its civil rights responsibilities, MSU Extension is obligated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to have an annually signed statement of non-discrimination from organizations using its resources, services and/or collaborating to deliver programs. Because of this mandate and the foregoing Equal Opportunity statement, MSU Extension cannot offer substantive assistance or resources to, or program with, organizations that are not open to all on the same basis as MSU Extension.

    Organizations receiving MSU Extension 4-H Youth Development services, materials and resources and organizations that collaborate with MSU Extension 4-H Youth Development to deliver educational programs must abide by the above stated civil rights responsibilities.

    By completing this form, we agree that our organizational policies abide by the stated civil rights responsibilities and agree to the grant terms listed above.

  • Name of person the development, implementation and reporting will be under the leadership and direction of.
  • 4-H volunteer leader, 4-H program coordinator, educator, etc.
  • 4-H Program Coordinator, 4-H Educator, etc.
  • Supervising Educator, CYI Leadership, etc.