Mandy Rogers

Mandy Rogers

Since becoming a 4-H volunteer 15 years ago, Mandy Rogers has helped the Washtenaw County 4-H program in countless ways. For example, she has been the adult volunteer leader of […]

Angela Oakman

Angela Oakman

Though she has been a 4-H volunteer for less than five years, Angela Oakman has already made a big impression on the Washtenaw County 4-H program. As a volunteer for […]

Charity Hackett

Charity Hackett

Charity Hackett is the club coordinator for one of the largest 4-H clubs in Berrien County, the We Can Ride 4-H Club. Part of the 4-H Proud Equestrians Program, the […]

Rick Gould & Kevin Yeager

Kevin Yeager and Rick Gould

Anyone in the St. Joseph County 4-H swine project area who has questions knows who to ask: two-year volunteer Rick Gould and 36-year volunteer Kevin Yeager. This dynamic duo collaborates […]

Donna Budd

Donna Budd

Donna Budd, a former 4-H’er who grew up on a farm, is committed to teaching future generations about 4-H and agriculture. A 4-H volunteer since 2008, Budd has held many […]