Students holding up iPads.
Students holding up iPads.

As it gears up for its third year of programming, the 4-H Clovers CODE (Creating Opportunities Designed for Everyone) program continues to bring new opportunities to new audiences. Operated by Michigan State University Extension, 4-H Clovers CODE is a Michigan 4-H Youth Development program supported by Apple’s Community Education Initiative.

“The Apple Community Education Initiative has been an amazing program providing state-of-the-art equipment for youth to explore their creative passions, reflect on their learning, engage in new technology and solve problems collaboratively,” said Kathy Jamieson, MSU Extension 4-H educator in charge of the program.

Originally launched in southeast Michigan’s Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties, the program was first funded in 2021 and began programming in 2022. Apple provided MSU Extension 4-H with hardware (including iPads and MacBooks), scholarships, professional learning and support for staff and volunteers, and support for a staff member to focus on STEAM programs using Apple curriculum. (STEAM is short for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.) With these resources, 4-H Clovers CODE offered a variety of camps, clubs, after-school and in-school partnerships to advance STEAM learning opportunities in communities that are traditionally underserved. During its first year, 4-H Clovers CODE reached nearly 1,100 participants through 43 different programs.

“It is pure excitement to see youth demonstrate perseverance and resourcefulness in their problem-solving skills during 4-H Clover’s CODE initiatives,” Jamieson said. “The opportunity to teach each other new concepts greatly enhances their confidence and communication skills. The program puts fun in learning for all involved.”

Fun programs launched in 2022 included:

  • 4-H Creative Clovers Camp, where 34 young people created videos, made music and explored photography. On the last day of camp, friends and family were invited to see the participants’ creative work. After the camp, 76% of participants agreed that they were interested in exploring a STEAM career.
  • A short-term special interest coding program for low-income youth offered in collaboration with a Mt. Clemens community center.
  • Other counties incorporated technology into their existing programs by using iPads and other Apple technology to help young people explore topics such as gardening, animal science and sewing.

“4-H Clovers CODE helps youth to develop critical life skills and experience with state-of-the-art technology,” said Julie Chapin, director of MSU Extension’s children and youth programs, including Michigan 4-H. “These can be a course-changing experience for young people because those types of skills and knowledge can be the basis of high-growth, high-paying jobs in technology and creative careers.”

In addition to hands-on programming for youth, support from Apple has helped Michigan 4-H bridge the connectivity gap in communities. Young people and adult volunteers can use iPads at county 4-H meetings to enroll in 4-H and complete online training modules. This not only provides access to those without the technology at home, but also provides support to older volunteers who may not be comfortable using the tools and systems on their own.

In 2023, the 4-H Clovers CODE program expanded to new, rural locations in Chippewa, Delta, Gogebic, Lake, Leelanau, Luce, Mason, Menominee and Schoolcraft counties.

“We’re so grateful for Apple’s ongoing partnership in helping to make this programming possible in new areas,” said Chapin. “The access and opportunity challenges can be the same in our rural communities as it is in our urban communities and Apple’s support has helped us to reach young people and communities in both these spaces.” In 2024, the program hopes to expand again to reach new and different audiences. MSU Extension is seeking community partners such as after-school programs, in-school programs, and libraries that are interested in collaborating on the program. To learn how to join a local 4-H Clovers CODE program or to partner with 4-H to offer the program, visit 4-H Clovers CODE at http://www.canr.msu.edu/4-h-clovers-code.

Youth learning with an adult mentor to use technology.

The 4-H Clovers CODE (Creating Opportunities Designed for Everyone) program is for youth interested in exploring coding and creative arts through technology in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties.

Teenagers with an adult mentor learning with technology.

Michigan State University (MSU) Extension 4-H Youth Development has launched a new program in southeast Michigan for youth interested in exploring coding and creative arts through technology.

In addition to helping youth to grow their skills and explore their interests, the 4-H Clovers CODE (Creating Opportunities Designed for Everyone) program will expose youth in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties to high growth, high paying jobs in technical and creative career pathways.

“Our goal is to advance STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) learning opportunities in communities that are traditionally underserved by offering new and innovative learning experiences through a variety of camps, clubs, after school and in-school partnerships,” said Jake DeDecker, MSU Extension associate director for children and youth and state leader for Michigan 4-H. “We are thrilled to partner with Apple and other community organizations to help youth learn critical life skills, and to provide an opportunity for them to create and explore using state-of-the-art technology.”

The 4-H Clovers CODE program is supported by a gift from Apple. As part of its Community Education Initiative, Apple provided MSU Extension 4-H with hardware, scholarships, and professional learning and support, including iPads and MacBooks, and additional support for a staff member to focus on STEAM programs using Apple curriculum. This creativity curriculum provides hands-on learning in the areas of coding, photography, video, drawing and music.

“We believe technology can play an important role in empowering students to learn, create and engage,” said Stacy Erb, director of Apple’s Community Education Initiative. “We’re thrilled to support the 4-H Clovers CODE program to help bring critical coding skills to the next generation of Michigan innovators.”

Developing positive youth-adult partnerships is at the core of the 4-H program model. As such, five youth will be recruited and identified to help with project implementation. These youth will serve in leadership roles, recruit participants, provide input into the educational sessions offered, advise on program scheduling, and help facilitate instruction.

Terrell Jordan, a Wayne County 4-H’er and member of the Michigan 4-H State Youth Leadership Council (SYLC), is one of the youths serving as a teen leader for the project.

“The support from Apple will help expand 4-H to more people in Wayne County by making sure people have the right materials to help them develop skills that they can use to help them go further in life,” Jordan said. “I’m excited about learning some coding, which is a skill that I really can use in life and in college.”

Wayne County 4-H youth using iPads.

In addition, staff and volunteers who are trained on the curricula will be charged with sustaining and expanding the program, as well as serving as mentors to the youth.

“This project is important to me because our youth will one day be solving problems, exploring their creativity, and driving progress as a direct result of this programming,” said Amanda Campbell, a Macomb County 4-H volunteer who is helping to launch this program locally. “I am most excited about learning new ways to interact with our youth and to help our youth develop skills that will guide them on their journey in life!”

“STEM fields are growing at an exponential rate,” Campbell added. “It’s more important now, more than ever, to ensure our youth have the skills to excel them forward. The skills that will help our youth drive progress and innovation as well as battle challenges. Although not every youth will become a scientist, an engineer, a computer programmer, or a mathematician, STEM programming provides our youth with the skills and methods of thinking to enable them to problem solve, explore options, and engage creatively.”

4-H Clovers CODE is open to youth ages 5-19 in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties with a special emphasis on middle school youth. The program launch includes five short-term 4-H SPIN (SPecial INterest) clubs in each of the three counties, one club in each of the five areas – coding, photography, video, drawing, and music. In addition to the SPIN Clubs, two camps will be offered over the summer months.

MSU Extension is actively seeking additional community partners (after school programs, in-school programs, libraries, etc.) interested in collaborating on program implementation. To learn more about how to partner or how youth may join the program, visit www.canr.msu.edu/4-h-clovers-code.