4-H Foundation Officer and Trustee Elections
Sheila Wade Kneeshaw, of Detroit, was reelected president of the Michigan 4-H Foundation board of trustees at its fall board meeting Oct. 1.
The Michigan 4-H Foundation is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization that supports the mission and vision of Michigan State University (MSU) Extension 4-H Youth Development statewide. The foundation receives donations from individuals and organizations to support 4-H youth development.
Since 2015, Kneeshaw has served as the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association (WNF&GA), Michigan Division representative on the Michigan 4-H Foundation’s board, a tradition that began with the incorporation of the Michigan 4-H Foundation in 1952. This past year Kneeshaw served as president of the Indian Village Branch, WNF&GA. Before retiring and transitioning to community volunteer leadership roles, Kneeshaw worked for 40 years as an employee of the City of Detroit serving in roles that included economic development manager and project manager. She is an avid gardener and arts activist, additionally serving as a member of The Herb Society of America – The Grosse Pointe Unit; Western Wayne County Master Gardener Association; Nichols School Garden – Jr. Master Gardener Program; Meadowbrook Hall Garden Club; the Detroit Garden Center Garden Club; Theatre Arts Club of Detroit; Fine Arts Club; The Grosse Pointe Theatre; and the Detroit Institute of Arts where she has served as both a Gallery Service volunteer and member of the board of director’s Arts and Flowers Committee.
Michigan 4-H Foundation trustees are volunteers who manage foundation policies and operations, and are community advocates for ongoing and increasing support for 4-H. They are also charged with overseeing the activities of foundation staff members and working on committees developed to facilitate foundation operations.
Also reelected were: as vice president is Thomas L. Bosserd, of Plymouth, a representative for Halderman Real Estate and Farm Management Services. Re-elected as treasurer is Melissa Humphrey, Fowler, regional vice president for GreenStone Farm Credit Services; and as secretary, Jacob M. DeDecker, St. Johns, state leader for Michigan 4-H Youth Development and MSU Extension Children and Youth associate director. The immediate past president is Sara A. Stuby of Centreville.
Board of trustees election results
Michigan 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees elections were held at the Oct. 1 Michigan 4-H Foundation Annual Membership Meeting.
Re-elected to three-year terms on the board were: Jennifer Kiel, St. Johns, Sheila Kneeshaw, Detroit, and Andrew Walker, Saginaw. Bruce Sutherland, Okemos, was confirmed as a trustee by the membership. He was elected earlier in the year by the foundation’s board.